Church Services in Southwold
There are a small number of churches in Southwold and you’ll find their general information here. You may also like to take a look in Things to Do where they will advertise key fairs and events.
Southwold United Reformed Church
All are welcome to come for our church services where through singing, reading, praying and listening we worship God in Jesus’ name and grow in faith and understanding.
On Sundays our service is at 10.30am; we celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday each month.
First and Third Wednesdays at 8.00pm and second and fourth Thursdays at noon we hold an open prayer service.
We hold an open Coffee and Conversation morning on the second Thursday each month 10.00am – 12.00pm; home group gives opportunity for anyone to bring any topic for discussion alternate Tuesdays.
You will be welcome!
St Edmund's Church
The parish church of Southwold is dedicated to St Edmund who was king of East Anglia from 855 to 869.
The church was built between 1530 and 1590 and is one of the finest examples of a medieval church in all Suffolk. The church is open daily to visitors and worshippers like. The church is far more than a monument to the past but continues to be a committed and dynamic Christian presence in the community.
Services are held throughout the week and people of all ages and all faiths and none, are warmly welcomed.