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07584 314888

Hurren Terrace, 5 Station Road, Southwold, Suffolk, IP18 6AX

A large bell sits above an antique drawer cabinet amongst other antiques within L'Authentique
A large bell sits above an antique drawer cabinet amongst other antiques within L'Authentique Posters, wall hangings, photos, pictures and frames within L'authentique store A selection of antiques and objet d'art within the L'authentique store A mix of antiques are on display within the shop and window space of L'authentique Three attractive antique stone plinths sit on a lawn

We are regular visitors to France, and as our branding suggests, our intention is to always have a good stock of French Antique and Vintage items for the home and garden. Not just French, we are looking to assist and inspire your home design by offering a large selection of unusual, unique, stylish and decorative antiques.

We sell online and the shop is open every Saturday from 10:00 am to 16:00 pm and by appointment on other days. Follow us on Instagram @lauthentiquesouthwold which we keep up to date with our very latest items. À bientôt !

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